8Trees and partners hosting a webinar on wetland recovery

Wetlands are essential components of our landscape because they are home to diverse wildlife, including many rare species, and they provide a variety of ecosystem services for our communities. Wetlands function to trap sediments, store carbon, purify and they help preventing localized flooding by absorbing water.

The Niagara region is full of wetlands, some much older than others like the Wainfleet Bog. When we remove wetlands from the landscape, or drain them for other purposes, we take away our lands ability to cope with a changing climate.

Join us on March 23rd, 1:00 PM to 2:15 PM (EST) for a webinar on the topic of wetlands and their recovery! 

Featuring Edward Struzik as the keynote speaker, presenting his new book, “Swamplands: Tundra beavers, quaking bogs, and the improbable world of peat“, and a panel of experts to address audience questions. 

Panel experts include Mr. Struzik and representatives from Six Nations of the Grand River, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Drainage experts from the Township of Wainfleet and Norfolk County, and 8Trees Inc.

Webinar Title: “Swamplands: Tundra Beavers, Quaking Bogs, and the Improbable World of Peat “

Register for the webinar here:   https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5191264307173315342