8Trees Biology Day Camp 2023

8Trees Biology Day Camp

Recently we hosted our first 8Trees Biology Day Camp and we are proud to say it was a HUGE success! We want to thank all of the children and parents for your interest and help to support our day camp. We are so grateful for all the wonderful feedback received by the campers and parents as well.

To start the day we welcomed the campers and got them prepared with everything they needed for the day such as name tags, a tote bag with a copy of our activity book, pencil, and activity sheets. After some introductions and some review of our rules of safety, we led an icebreaker activity. 

Our first group activity was a dancing game  called “Animal Jam”, where you have to dance or move like a specific animal – the music and dancing helped everyone loosen up!

Next, we gave the campers a presentation on the basic animal kingdoms in our world and learned about invertebrates,  and the different kinds of leaf shapes.

We were also able to show the campers a closeup of a snapping turtle!

The campers went on a hike through the conservation area in smaller groups, each group supervised by a camp leader, to look at the wildlife they had previously learned about. During the hike, campers were asked to try to identify and collect the leaves encountered for a craft later.

To use the energy the kids got from the hike we also set up an obstacle course for anyone who wanted to participate and gave out stickers as well as some collectible “Creaturon cards”. Some of the campers seemed to really like these pokemon-like cards and got really into trading by the end of the day. 

After all that excitement the campers enjoyed their lunch while chatting with their new friends about the day. Lunch was followed by leaf crafts, colouring, and free play with the toys provided.

During the second presentation we were able to show the campers a baby water snake! 

After a quick snack break the campers were taken out for a scavenger hunt on the trails.  Afterwards, the campers got more free play time until the end of the day.

We were so excited to host this day camp and we hope to offer more in the future. Here is some of the amazing feedback we have gotten regarding the camp.

“I think the day camp was a nice treat and experience to get the kids outside with nature and experience hands-on what the outdoors has to offer! I think it is important for kids to learn about the world that surrounds them and the other types of plants and animals that we coexist with!” -Parent of a camper

“Wonderfully organized & really appreciated all the communication prior to, during & after the event.” -Parent of a camper

Thank you again for all your support!