Student Mentorship Program
It is part of our mandate to mentor students in the fields of applied ecology, conservation biology, restoration and in applications of environmental policy. We aim to accomplish this by partnering with academic institutions with an established co-op program.
General Responsibilities and Expectations of All Student Positions
- Work safely, respect others and adhere to conditions as specified in all approved government permits including non-disclosure of sensitive information
- Follow all Health & Safety protocols presented by 8Trees staff and outlined in the Employee Health & Safety Policy
- Work collaboratively in teams, and independently when necessary
- Communicate effectively with all 8Trees staff
- Be able to manage a flexible work schedule
- Complete tasks or assignments in a timely manner
Additional Responsibilities and Expectations of Field Technicians & Assistants
- Work outdoors in various weather conditions and at various hours (some species are nocturnal!)
- Move soil/mulch, plant trees, and remove invasive plants for habitat restoration/enhancement projects
- Search for, identify, capture, measure, tag and release wildlife
- Assist with tagging/marking animals and tracking their movement patterns.
- Collect observational data including biological, and environmental (physical and chemical) measurements of species and their habitat.
- Maintain accurate records of field observations via photography, and by maintaining a handwritten notebook using excellent note-taking skills and clear concise handwriting
- Transcribe notes into a computer database and check for accuracy using spatial software such as ©Google Earth or ©Arc GIS
Additional Responsibilities and Expectations of Outreach Staff & Admin Assistants
- Take on various tasks in the office such as file organization and data management
- Be able to communicate professionally with stakeholders, event organizers, or other parties to help facilitate 8Trees outreach, research or restoration projects.
- Be flexible in work locations (HQ office or from home)
- Keep track of sales and shop inventory
- Lead coordination and organization of outreach eventsÂ
- Assist with promoting 8Trees projects, events and merchandise in collaboration with the Social Media Coordinator.Â
- Office and outreach staff are given opportunities to attend and assist with field site visits if they are interested.

Interested in working with us?
Check to see if we have any open positions!
Stay informed about ticks, Lyme disease, and how to prevent tick bites!
Co-op Program Collaborations
8Trees Inc. is involved as a hiring partner for the Co-op program at Brock University. Brock University is an ideal academic partner to 8Trees Inc, as it is situated in the Niagara region within the Niagara Escarpment UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The university currently supports a Co-op program within several departments, including  Earth Sciences, Geography, and Biology.Â
We are also connected with Trent University, Niagara College, University of Guelph and University of Waterloo as a potential employer of co-op students.