Community Road Watch

Spring emergence is almost here! 

Spring is the time of year to start keeping watch for wildlife crossing the roads, especially amphibians and reptiles. Our 8Trees team encourages everyone to join our Community Road Watch Project by downloading My Field App and taking photos of what you see crossing the road! 

My Field App is our citizen science data collection tool. Designed to be very fast and simple to use, it stores your observations on your own device until you upload the photos to our cloud database. 

All observations are submitted anonymously! So be sure to check that the location and other information was accurate on your data entry. You can check and edit your past uploads on your Aerial diary by logging in here.

The information gathered from the Community Road Watch project will allow us to: 

1) monitor the seasonal activity of our native wildlife, 

2) visualize high-activity areas for wildlife across the region, and

3) help us to inform municipalities on the best places to install wildlife crossing signs.

Important Note: If you see a turtle or snake on the road, please try to pull over safely and help the animals to the other side of the road. Always move them, or guide them, in the direction they were heading! Click here to see a demonstration video for moving a snapping turtle across the road, by the Ontario Turtle Conservation Center.