Book Signing

Come Join us for a "What's Under That Log?" Book Signing Event!

Come and join us for a book signing event with Dr. Katharine Yagi, for her recently published children’s book called “What’s Under That Log?”. 

Katharine was inspired to write this book because of her son’s enthusiasm and interest in nature and wildlife. With a mother as a biologist, and a biologist herself, her son comes by these interests quite naturally, but his curiosity kept her actively showing him more and more things. It did not take long before she realized many children may love to learn about wildlife from a biologists point of view. 

This book, inspired by classic Dr. Seuss rhymes, follows two children investigating the amphibians and reptiles living around them, introduces some basic biology terms, and explains the study of herpetology.

For children at home, this book can inspire some curiosity about nature and how to investigate. It can be as simple as looking around right in their own back yards or at a nearby park! Some of the best places to start looking for little critters can be as simple as lifting a nearby log or rock – what sort of creatures are living there? 

If you have kids interested in nature and the outdoors, please come by to say hello! 

The event will take place on Thursday August 1st from 11AM to 2PM at the Coles Bookstore in the Niagara Pen Centre, St. Catharines.

See you there!